On Democrats and Republicans: a response to a Daily Kos on Facebook commenter

By Erika Schwibs

I’m a former Democrat-as-my-religion, and now a GOP voter. And there is so much WRONG with the Republican Party — so it’s terrible that there is too much wrong with white liberal Democrats for them to intelligently and knowledgeably criticize the GOP. Both parties are becoming less grounded in democracy and more in serving the worldly interests of the super rich, to the ultimate benefit of no one. Not even the super rich.

A nation’s politics IS something like a “marriage.” And it’s white Democrats far more than ordinary Republicans who don’t hold to valuing the two-party system and recognizing that one can lose even when one wins because one’s opponent in democracy is also one’s teammate to a certain extent. White Democrats are the ones today who are generally very cultic and are largely doing the bidding of the super rich. They’re a small segment of the population, but they believe they are to dictate over everyone, on the basis of their “superior merit.”

The fact that 42% of the population are independents, and so aren’t totally toeing the party line, doesn’t give liberals pause. They can simply explain it away, as they do everything else (the ones that don’t end up leaving to become independents or Republicans, that is). All the more reason for anyone who doesn’t agree with white liberals to be socially silenced and economically, politically, and possibly criminally punished until they do. This even includes people of color, immigrants and members of ANY group typically expected to be Democratic voters. Those people are traitors who need to be re-educated and ostracized out of existence until they agree with the superior opinions of the white liberal establishment. It’s all and nothing. ALL good from Democrats. ALL bad from Republicans. It’s that simple! There is nothing, nothing, nothing useful that could possibly come from anyone on the right, unless it’s agreement with the prevailing white liberal opinion. All right-wing thinking must be entirely excised from the planet.

For instance, this piece from Tomiwa Owolade, a Nigerian Brit, that recently appeared in Bari Weiss’s The Free Press, doesn’t conform to the white liberal party line. I can imagine how white liberals can explain away totally invalidating and attempting to marginalize this black man’s opinions out of existence. Some quotes:

“To my mind, black should be spelled with a lowercase b because it’s a racial identity — not an ethnic one. I fear that capitalizing it draws attention to race, or even prioritizes it. I want individuals to think of themselves and to be thought of as individuals.”

“Right now, we have things upside down. Instead of America importing its ideas about how to think and talk about race to other countries, other countries should be exporting their ideas to America — which, let’s be honest, does an abominable job of thinking and talking about race.”

“But that culture is a reflection of an earlier time, when the United States still imagined itself the leader of the free world, and its movies and books and all its soft power felt like the arrow of history pointing us in the right direction. It was easy to be swept up in the optimism of it all…Today, America seems consumed by its own fears and anxieties, and its culture and ideas increasingly feel inward-facing. It is as though the great city on a hill is oblivious to the rest of the world, too busy battling its own demons to worry about other people.”


My comment was in response to this one:

Raymond West

“They are absorbed in the absolute dynamics of a cult surrounding an individual that has satisfied and put voice to their group grievances. Until they all die, or the spaceship comes to get them, they are hopeless.”